Dr. Ashwin Ashok

Associate Professor and Associate Graduate Director
Department of Computer Science
Georgia State University
Atlanta, Georgia
Email:  aashok@gsu.edu
Directions: https://bit.ly/2lEXAts

I am an Associate Professor (with Tenure) in the Department of Computer Science (CS) at Georgia State University (GSU) and the founding director of the Mobile and Robotic Systems through Experiential research lab (MORSE Studio). I am also currently serving as an Associate Graduate Director in the department of CS at GSU. I completed my postdoctoral research working with Prof.Peter Steenkiste from Carnegie Mellon University in 2016 and Ph.D. under the mentorship of Profs. Marco Gruteser, Narayan Mandayam and Kristin Dana from Wireless Information Network Lab (WINLAB) at Rutgers University in 2014. I am a recepient of the 2022 National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award .

Short Biography » CV (PDF)»

  • I am co-chairing the ACM Workshop on Mobile and Optical Wireless Experiments and Systems (MOWES'2023 ) to be held with CPS-IoT Week. Considering submitting to the workshop and attending!
  • I am a publicity chair for CPS-IoT Week 2023 . Paper notifications coming this month. Workshops, Tutorials and Competition events announced. Poster and Demo submissions solicitations coming soon.
  • Dear Undergraduate students. We are accepting applications to our REU Site on Smart and Autonomous IoT Systems for Summer 2023 (apply here )

  • Research

      I am interested in research areas that are emerging and focus on next-generation advancement, open new avenues of applications, and are directly relatable with real-world problems. My research philosophy focuses on solving problems in mobile and robotic systems using experimentation based research methodologies. My research lab (MORSE Studio) focuses on emerging technologies and spans work across communications and networking, environmental systems, sensors and robotic systems, and mobile computing. My research combines expertise in theory, software engineering, hardware design, application development and experimentation. My research work can be broadly ramified into the following broad areas:

    • Next-generation Optical Wireless Systems Mobile visible light communication (VLC), Camera Communication, Terahertz (THz) communication and networking, Vehicular systems (ground, aerial, underwater)
    • Smart Sensing and Wireless Signaling Robotics and non-contact sensing, Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces (IRS)
    • Mobile Computing and Systems Mobile Health (human physical rehabilitation, animal behavior), Joint computer vision with wireless networking
    • Climate and Earth Science Environmental science (soil and air quality, noise pollution), Cosmic ray sensing, Earth and space weather modeling, Microclimates

    Student Research Opportunities

    • Graduate I actively involve Ph.D. and M.S. graduate students in research through graduate research assistantships (GRA). There is 1 fully funded Ph.D. and 1 M.S. GRA openings in my lab for Fall 2023. Apply here
    • Undergraduate I actively involve undergraduate students in research through independent research experiences (REU, Independent Research, Honors thesis, Capstone design, CURE). Apply here
    • GSU Student Clubs I direct and mentor the GirlsWhoCode (GWC) college loop, Robotics and Tech4Creatives student clubs at GSU. Please look out for more information about the clubs and join as a member through PIN (GSU internal) and our webpages.


    • CSC4980/6980 Introduction to Computer Vision
    • CSC8980 Advanced Computer Vision
    • CSC4120 Introduction to Robotics
    • CSC3320 Systems Level Programming
    • CSC4982 CURE (Course based Undergraduate Research Experience) on IoT
    • CSC4210 Computer Architecture



    Ashwin Ashok
    Dept. of Computer Science
    Georgia State University
    25 Park Place, Suite 734
    Atlanta, Georgia 30303

    Email:  aashok@gsu.edu


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    25 Park Place,
    Room 734,
    Atlanta, GA
    Tel: (404)413-5700

